Monday, July 12, 2010

Are you building a fanbase or just performing?

Really quick thought provoker:

Really think about it.

Are you building a fan base or just performing?

Do you know your Target Market? The people that want what you have?

Are you working on your Live Show skills?

In local scenes there are usually 2 scenes: There are the artists that perform for potential fans and established fan bases and there are artists that are “basically” playing for other artists. The ideal show is well promoted on Social Networks and with physical promotions like samplers and flyers. There are about 3 to 4 acts performing max. The un-ideal shows are were there are upwards of 10 acts performing back to back. Promoters usually throw these together and make money charging for performance slots. The exception would be Talent Shows or Showcases were people are expecting to see 10 acts. The next time you perform at a show with 5 or more acts, network in the crowd. Find out who is who. Now you need to do this at all your shows, but this is an experiment. When you do those shows with 5 or more acts you will come to find out that at least 85% of the crowd are either artists themselves or friends and family of the artists. Now you can win over friends and family and the other 15% of the crowd to be potential fans and networking with other artists is always good, but if you really want to build a fan base don’t you think you need to start getting in front of a larger number of potential fans. This is just a little to think about. Also if you perform week after week for the same crowds of people, don’t you think its about time you branch out, try different cities and different venues? Just a little food for thought.

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